Friday, May 4, 2012


Oh Army, how you chap my bum! Let me count the ways...

      My Hubs has a second job, a love-job, he is an Army Reservist. (DO NOT assume Army Reserve is the same as Army National Guard, there is a difference.  Not only is their name, but they differ in how, when and where they deploy)  On a good day the thought of the Army chaps my bum, on a bad day its more like the Army has me bent over a table.  Today is the table variety of hating the Army. 

      I knew my Hubs was a military man when I met him, but he was out then.  When we were dating he decided to re-enlist, comprimises were made.  He joined the Army reserves and stayed local, I kept dating some one in the military.  Shallow I know, but having anything to do with the military was not high on my list.  Anyway, I knew he was military when we met, when I continued dating him, and when we got married.  Most days I quietly conceal my extreme dislike for how the Army always seems to ruin things for me....most days, today isn't one of those quiet days.

      For almost a year now my Hubs' unit has held drill weekends on the third full weekend of the month.  Its been regular, I have counted on it to stay that way, but this month they changed it and moved it up a weekend.  For those of you without a calendar handy, this means drill weekend is now on MOTHER'S DAY WEEKEND!  Not that I was expecting a lavish weekend, we usual go about life as normal, I'd be lucky if Hubs took the hit and let me sleep in BOTH Saturday and Sunday.  Also I'm a little peeved because I am pretty damn sure they'd never move up drill weekend to be on Father's Day weekend, assholes.

                                                           Moving on....

     This year for Mother's Day, about two months ago, I made a Mother's Day purchase for myself.  Something I knew I would love and have been wanting to do.  I registered for the 5k Dirty Girls Mud Run for breast cancer research.  It is the day before Mother's Day and it is 3 fun miles of mud, obsticles and climbing on and over shit.  To me it is a giant big kids play ground!  It's a chance to do all the fun stuff I loved doing as a kid, but society frowns upon grown ups doing that now...unless it supports a cause.  So I paid the $70 registration fee, joined my friend's team, The Manicured Mudders, and was super excited to go play in some mud.  Until today.  Today the Army just ruined my Mother's Day.  Not because the Hubs has Drill, but because the Hubs has drill I no longer have childcare so I can go to my Mud Run.  We moved away from my very large, extended family that in a pinch I could always find someone willing to watch the Hooligans; to the Hubs' very small, immediate family that is a bunch of hard workers and everyone is always busy.  My mother in law is a huge, huge help with the kids during the week when I have school, but weekends are her time and not only to I feel bad for asking, but there are some other complications that make her especially unavailable that weekend.

     I swear, every other drill weekend where nothing special has been planned they operate like clock work.  The minute I plan something that hinges on my Hubs being home...its like they catch a wiff of it and immediately go;

           "Wait a minute! A wife has planned something special, and if her Husband isn't home it will fuck everything up.  Well, we aren't in the business of making things convenient for the spouses and families, we better move up the drill weekend so her plans are foiled and she learns to never plan anything fun on a weekend ever again.  We own them and their free time!"

      An exaduration, I know.  The Army isn't just one person being a dick head, but damn it, that's how I feel when it never fails to fuck up my plans.  Thanks Army for ruining ANOTHER Mother's Day and you owe me $70.

A list of other Mother's Day ruined by the Army,

1) My very first Mother's Day, Hubs deployed to Iraq
2)  My second Mother's Day, Hubs and I have a blow out fight over his non existant actions against certain undesirables in the Army because "It will look bad and I won't get promoted or commendations"---Yep, explain that to your wife who's first mother's day you missed and now for the second she's all jacked up on pregnancy hormones and you're telling her that the Army matters more to you than her...DEATH WISH!
                           After that, we gave up on Mother's Day being special and I honestly don't remember the last two.

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