Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Snow and Hungry Kids don't mix.

    Tuesdays and Thursday I have classes on Campus.  This also means that on those days Girl A is on campus with me, but at the childcare center.  

   Today started out well enough, it was 40+ degrees when we left at 9:15.  By 12:45 it was less than 30 degrees and by 2:30 it was snowing.  Not a big deal except I wasn't leaving campus unti 5:00pm and didn't want to be driving in the snow with the a-holes who seem to forget how to drive in the slippery, fluffy white stuff.  So by 5:15 when had collected and loaded Girl A into the van the roads were in a less than desirable condition.

  Girl A and I set out and skid to a stop at the first stop sign.  Whew, stopped before the intersection!  At the stop sign I hear "Mom, I'm hungry" coming from the back seat.  I say "Ok when we get home we'll have a quick snack."   Turn left onto the main street and drive .4 miles and I hear "Mom, what kid of snack will we have?"  I say, "We'll figure it out when we get there hunnie."  Drive another .4 miles and skid around a curve while listening to "I want pop tarts when we get home" coming from the back.  I say "Ok, how about we have a little quiet while mommy tries to drive in the snow." "Ok". Whew.

   Girl A and I make about 2 seconds in the silence before I hear "What's for dinner?  I want Mac and Cheese"  Slitely annoyed,I say "That's fine, can you be quiet so I can concentrate please?" "Ok".  Another fabulously quiet seconds later..."I really want a pop tart for a snack but Daddy said we don't have any pop tarts left."  "Ok, well, if the roads aren't bad around home, we'll go to the Dollar store and get some, now please be quiet"  As you can imagine the normal 30 min drive, now turned 50 min drive home followed a similar pattern with similar questions the whole ride. Until, (please read my response in that high squeaky voice I poted about earlier) "Mooooom, I want pop taaaaarts!" "FINE, NOW PLEASE JUST SHUT UP SO I CAN DRIVE WITHOUT KILLING US BOTH!!!!!!"  Probably not the best thing to scream at your 4 yr old, but it did the job.  We road the next 5 min in silence.

   The moral of the story is that Hungry Kids and Snow don't mix.  Next time I will be like my mom and save something from my lunch to feed the hungry little moster in the back seat.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and your blogs make me giggle ....angry mom face :)
