Here is an opinionated blog about sinking ships and the not so selfless people on board.
I have been reading about the grounding of the ship off of Italy. I have heard a lot of comparissons to Titanic and how chaotic it was. Then I read the comments and almost all of them are cracking jokes about the captain, how he should rot in jail, or, and this one really bothers me and will be the basis for the rant of the blog, "Women and Children First" rule of the life boats.
My problem with this is simple, people think it is unfair and men should be allowed on too. Well guess what, men can't have babies which is one of the main reasons why they don't go first in a disaster, they can't produce more, self centered, worried about their own skin assholes! If Sean and I were in that possition, we'd be shoving the kids in a boat and then both probably miss the boat fighting over who was staying behind (provided the equal rights screamers win, and it's children and one parent first, by the time you convince my butt to get on a giant boat heading for sea). I don't know what those parents were doing in that situation, but they obviously split up; people are outraged by it.
All I can hope is that those protesting the sea law of women and children first, don't actually have kids. I can see it now... Mom and Dad are on a cruise with little Jhonny and Jhenny (yeah, their those weird spelling kind of parents) and the ship starts to sink. Mom, Dad, Jh and Jh make it on deck to a life boat and hear "Women and Children first!" and Dad says...
"Women and children first, huh? This is a violation of the equal rights movement I demand you let us all on! What do you mean the Sea law didn't keep up with the equal rights movement?!?! I am formally protesting your Sea Law and will stage a quiet sit in, here on the deck with my family in protest. If we die, it's on your hands..."
Really douche? A sit in, on a sinking ship? You're sooooooooo pissed that you aren't included that instead of saving your wife and kids you'll condem them to die a terrible death of either realizing its pointless and breathing in water, or freezing to death. Oh, and it isn't your fault at all that you all died, stupidity and selfishness played no part, it's all an equal rights violation and the crew just let it happen...a small gem of what's wrong with people...self importance over the consideration and care of others!
The good news is, that little description of breathing in water, yeah, that's what keeps me from going on a cruise so I'll hopefully never face a choice like that and I can sit happily in my judgemental chair knowing I would make the right choice! :-)
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