The best and worst thing that could have ever happened to me when having children was to get children who are snuggley! I LOVE to hold and cuddle and snuggle the little lovies all day long, and when they want to be "holded" as Girl A puts it, when going to bed. But that's where it ends. As the title suggests, don't touch me when I'm sleeping. This has been a sore subject between me and the Hubby since we started sharing a bed. I don't like to be touched...period. I sleep on my stomach, arms folded underneath me and facing out to the left, away from my hubby. He HATES it. He's a snuggler.
The kids like to climb in bed with us every once and a while, and I love it and hate it. I love it while I'm awake and can hold them and snuggle, but when I want to go to sleep, they don't go away. Take Girl A for example. I move away from her and for a while she sleeps on her own, but before too long she rolls right up next to me, crowding me. I scootch her back over, and a little while later her knees are in my side. I scootch her back and on and on it goes, various parts of her kicking, hitting or snuggling me. I can't sleep.
Take Boy, this kid is a nightmare. He is so darn snuggly, and I have a super soft spot for him because he's my boy, but dang it, he doesn't take no for an answer. Once I roll over to go to sleep, even if he is already asleep, the little jerk is immediately on top of me. Not just trying to lay next to me, literally on top of me, laying on me trying to get me to hold him. So I roll onto my side facing away from him, he lays perpendicular to me and throws his legs over my side. So I roll onto my stomach, he moves so that he can lay between my arm and my body, like a true snuggler. He's definitly his father's child. So I roll onto my side facing him. Boy snuggles in as close as he can to you. I need to metion that this kid is a furnace. It's 62 degrees in our room at night and I am sweating. I finally find a position I can sleep in, only to be woken up about every half hour to a knee or a foot in my back or face or my kidney. Nightmare I tell you, nightmare!
DON'T TOUCH ME WHEN I'M SLEEPING!!! It wouldn't be so bad if they would give up and go snuggle their own kind, but no. They never leave me the whole night to go snuggle their daddy. Instead they torcher him with the same kicks and hits I get, only more frequently because they use him as leverage and push off of him to get closer to me. I'm just not a sleeping snuggler I tell you. Girl B is a mystery, she's too little to sleep in our bed unless she's sick and then there's not a whole lot of sleeping anyway and whole lot of snuggling.
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