Wednesday, May 16, 2012


  Everynight around seven we start the bedtime routine.  Depending on the night this could start with a bath (kids with eczema should not bath everyday), or picking out our pajamas,or if it has been a really bad day, just getting a butt change (for Boy and Girl B) and putting on the jammies that are ontop of the pile.  Eventually we turn on a movie for the kids and say goodnight.

   Lately, I have been enjoying a new ritual with Boy, roaring!  It starts out that I am just watching him zoom a car up and down his leg, then he notices me and...."RAWR!"   I jump back and pretend to scream.  I hide around the corner and peek back into his room and..."RAWR". I love it.  It's MY new routine!  I want to see those big blue eyes light up with excitement when he scares me.  I LOVEto hear the giggle he lets out when he catches me.  And if I don't peek back in, he comes to the gate, leans out and says "Mom Mom, Rawr!".  We do this over and over until he is less enthusiastic about it and then we go lay down on his bed and snuggle.

   When I get up to leave, he grabs me and holds me close to him and says "Nigh nigh mom mom" and then makes the kissy sound indicating that he needs a kiss before I leave.  He holds my hand or arm or foot, whatever he can grab, tight until I pry myself loose and I say "Goodnight Squishy, I love you!" (Yes I call him Squishy, short for Squishy Bear)  and he says again "nigh nigh mom mom", and off I go to my room.  Sometimes he starts crying and I go and get him and bring him in to snuggle with me and the Hubs!

I just love that little boy!

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