It's HOT!
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the heat, just the humidity. So, as we reach the high point of the summer, and the sweltering heat makes you feel like you can't breath there is only one thing to do....
This afternoon, after everyone had a nap, I turned on the hose and suited up myself and the kids. We braved the immense heat while I sunblocked everyone and then...the sprinkler was attached to the hose. This was always met with delight and anticipation in my childhood, my kids however, greeted the hose like this...
"Mommy, I don't want to get sprayed, I just want to get wet!"
"No Mommy, no spinkla, nooooooo"
H.C. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
I stood in just the zone of the sprinkler so only the drips would get me, I stood where I was in direct line of spray, I stood off to the side, and not one of them joined me. Finally, fearing I was getting funny looks from other adults in the neighborhood, I grabbed H.C. and ran through the sprinkler with her "Whaaaaaaaaa"ing all the way. Soon there after, H.B. comes running through, squawking the whole way. H.A. is still unconvinced that she won't melt if she runs through. I try telling her I'll run through with her. I try telling her if she would just run through once she will enjoy it. Nothing works. So when in doubt, grab child and run through holding her.
I grab H.A. I start running, she's screaming "Stop Mommy, Stop!" we get about two inches into the water.."It's too cold Mommy!". We get all the way through, I set her down. She looks at the sprinkler, then up at me, then says "Let's do it again" EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!
"I thought you didn't want to get wet?"
"That was before, now I want you to carry me through the water again."
"H.A. hunnie, it is too hot for Mommy to carry you all the time, maybe we can hold hands and run through together?"
"No, I want you to carry me"
"H.A., I am not going to carry you. Now, you can hold my hand and run through with Mommy, or you can go it solo. Pick one!"
"I'll hold your hand"
Off we go! How fun it is! Look what I can do's were flying around and she showed off her sprinkler jumping skills, her stand still and get sprayed skills and of course her dodging the sprinkler skills. After about an hour I say "Let's go inside guys and have some push pops and dry off in the A/C"
"Nooooooooooo Mooooooommmmmmyyyyyyy! I love the sprinkler"